Friday, October 16, 2009

Back Yard Fall Colors

This is looking south from our back door through our back yard with the Fall colors. The back forest has a beautiful blanket of yellow leaves on the ground. Crisp nights. Fairly warm days (so far). Soon this will be all white with snow. Barney recently installed our wood burning stove. It works now. It's so nice and warm (hot). We love it. Barney also made a new dog run in the back of the yard. You can sort of see it between the back of the truck and the front of the trailer behind the truck. He's also getting a piece of ground ready (just behind the truck cab) to pour cement for a small garage our friend is giving us. He will also be pouring cement for a retaining wall in the side yard and sidewalks down both sides of the garage. We are trying to get the outside ready for winter so when spring comes we will be ready to plant a garden and grass front and back, and flowers to brighten things up around here next year. He's also been trimming alot of the trees on the side of our yard (front of truck) as well as partially cutting down a couple of other trees elsewhere in the yard. He has been soooooooo busy. Great job Barney. I am painting our living room a pale yellow from a very dark burgandy. It will take several base coats to cover up enough for the very pale top color. It wil look nice with the dark hardwood floor and white ceiling, trim and baseboards.

John and Bryan goofy Fall photos

Our goofy boys in the beautiful Fall colors, early October near Huntington, Utah. I can never get them to be serious.

September Hair style for Carolyn

OK, so this is the new style of the month for me. Actually since the picture was taken few weeks ago in Sept. (notice how green the leaves are in the background. Not Fall yellow yet of October).
It is now even shorter on the sides and top. You can see here that it is severely frosted. I did the cut and color myself. I actually like it alot. So does everyone else. It could change though at any time. It always does. Just ask Barney. He never knows what he will come home and find. Luckily, he doesn't mind - much, usually.
He says at least he knows my hair grows fast and soon enough it will be longer again.