Saturday, April 3, 2010

Ok - so after some smaller March snow falls, Easter is tomorrow and we actually had a few snow flurries today but nothing stayed on the ground. There was probably much more snowfall on the mountain passes nearby. But finally - the snow has melted all around us (not in the mountains yet) and the weather is warming up to 60 degrees or more. No jackets usually (on days when it's not windy anyway). It feels great. More sunshine to warm our faces and our souls. We are smiling again. We've actually been out doing yard work. We're not couped up inside any more. It's awesome.
Happy Easter to all. General Conference was awesome today. I can hardly wait for the Sunday sessions. We finally got our TV antenna hooked up today just in time for Conference. Yeah! We've had it since around Sept. or Oct. when we shut off our cable TV hookup. It's been great without TV. We have occasionally rented or borrowed movies or watched over and over again the few we own.
Lastnight we got boy #3. 14 years old. Don't know yet for how long. Nice boy. Jr. High with our boy. Nice.
Our friend, Dede's dad, died lastnight. Sad. Last week my uncle Hal died. The weekend before that we were in Calif to another dear friend's funeral who died too young from cancer. So much going on. It makes me think they are needed, to do so much Missionary work, on the other side. We will miss them all. Good bye dear friends and family. Until we meet again.

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