Wow! Here's my dilema. I recently decided that I needed to go through my closet and get rid of some things. I started with shoes this time. I came aross these really awesome hiking shoes. Well weather proofed but not real warn - some. I actually bought these shoes back in the day when I was - oh , about 20 years old and one year married to Chris at that time, somewhere around 1972 or so. Wow! Maybe alittle later but close. I thought, gee, if I ever will need to walk to Missouri I will be prepared :0) back pack and all. I am sure glad I never had to, if you know what I mean. Not with these anyway. Think about good hiking shoes now days. These probably weigh at least two or three times that of a good pair of shoes today. These cost me over $50.00 in 1972. They would be at least $100.00 to $200.00 or much more today to get a good quality (and a reasonable light weight shoes). I did actually wear them for hiking back in the day. They were good shoes then. We did some camping and rock climbing then, starting with our honeymoon at Sequoia National Park where we bused in for the week. Nice. So through the years with the addition of two kids they were alot of fun. So I thought about getting rid of them. Now I have other boots - Ok - not expensive ones but good ones that suffice for me for now. I always say "take a photo of what you have and then get rid of them. The photos takes up less space in a photo album than the object does to store. Ok - it is definitley time to retire these puppies, especially now that I have photos and memories of them that will last so much longer. I can't believe I have had these shoes for how many years now? Wow - nearly 40 years. Unbleiveable, huh?!?! Theyare actually still in good shape. It's time someone else got some good use out of them. I'll be sad to see them go. So long shoes. It's been nice. It's been real but I am sure you will have a good home soon. I used to tell Barney's mom when we were helping her get rid of "stuff" - "Pass it on now, to someone who needs it and would appreciate having it while it's still worth having". It seemed to help her. I think about that withmy own stuff and figure someone else needs it right now. I can pass it on. I love it.
Anybody wear a size 5 in women's shoes?
Wow Carolyn! You really know how to hang onto stuff :) My mom likes to save things too and I think I called you and her both packrats once, but I somehow offended Brian in calling "HIS mom" a packrat... today you have proven him wrong, thank you :)
Those are seriously vintage! I used my mom's pair like that for a couple of backpacking trips, but they are *so* heavy! The upside is that you could step on a landmine and not feel anything :)
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